
My trip to Madrid...on YOUR computer screen!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Barcelona, Borgias, y Burros

Too much time away from mis amores!
Ok here's what's been happening...
Last weekend we went to Barcelona - oh wow, for a moment I wondered what the heck I was doing in Madrid. It's absolutely GORGEOUS. There is so much to see too...I didn't see nearly enough. Three days is not long enough to be in Barcelona.
A lifetime isn't enough for anywhere that I've been.
We went on a tour of the city and I discovered the man of my dreams - Gaudi (too bad he's dead). He's the most amazing architect ever. The Temple of the Sagrada Familia is the most incredible building I've ever been to in my entire life. I could stay there forever. I can't even begin to describe it to you. It was so incredible, I want to go back again and's not even done yet, and yet it's my favorite place in the world.
Catalan is the language of choice in Barcelona...I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, it's nice for them to retain this culture, but still...learn to speak Spanish, eh? It's not that hard.
We also went out to a marketplace...they sold everything there, from candy to nuts to fruit to insects to sheep heads. Yep, that's right. And fish. Lots and lots of fish. I nearly threw up/passed out/cried. They had to lead me out. was Mikey's birthday so we all went out on Saturday night. I have to admit that whenever I end up going out, like actually intending to go out and have a good time, I pick the night where we don't really find the incredible bars or anything...
Also on Saturday we decided that it would be fun to rent bikes. Oh, bike and I got into a little bit of a fight and I ended up totally wiping out, cuts on my hands, on my feet, bruises on my knees, and the wind knocked out of me.
I'm so graceful, what can I say?
I also got to go to church at a beautiful has to be said that I went by myself to visit the Sagrada Familia. Sometimes you just need some time to yourself...
Barcelona...I hope I get to go back someday.
Then it was back to classes...let me tell you something. A class of four people is awesome. But it means that if you fall asleep, it's noticible. And it means that if you don't say anything for two hours, people notice. And they make you talk. My poly-sci prof keeps asking me what I think about thigns and so far I don't have the guts to tell him that I hate politics, haah.
On Wednesday night I saw my first Spanish film, Salvador, about a student during the time of Franco. Oh my gosh, it was the saddest movie ever. I cried at the end. I never cry in movies. Except Pride and Prejudice and that's cause I'm happy. I loved it though...I want to buy it.
And then on Thursday, I went to a movie premiere. Yep, that's right, a movie premiere. I saw "Los Borgia" which is about a powerful Valencian family, and one member becomes pope (unfortunately, he's really corrupt and has 4 children and a lot of sex). It was hard to understand and I have to admit that all the characters were just so corrupt and horrible that I found it difficult to enjoy. It was really fun to see everything though. I really enjoyed it - plus I got to wear my red skirt and new red heels that I decided I had to have...
Today, we went out to the mountains and rode burros. Yes, my Spanish experience never ends. I called mine Bubo, and we rode through the mountains, and I made up a song for him. I'm not sure how much he liked it...but he was a nice little burro. I kept reminding everyone that I had been the little burro in the Christmas pageant of my youth...I think they were all duly impressed, haha. Then we had a barbeque.
I hate it, it's so disgusting. I think they killed like three pigs and a baby cow for us, it was absolutely vile. I ate some chorizo and then felt sick. I hate this country's food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who eats this kind of stuff?!?!?!
But we didn't eat Bubo, which was comforting.
Tomorrow I'm going to Toledo...and then on Saturday I'm going to a bullfight (ACK!). Then on Wednesday I leave for a trip up north...then the next weekend my parents come!!!!!!!! I'm so ready to see them...I miss them more than I expected, and I really miss being able to call my mom on a regular basis. I also miss my sister, I haven't talked to her in such a long time. I feel really bad about that..and then my dad...of course I miss my dad, I'm a daddy's girl...
My senora's son's wife had their baby - a baby girl! I'm so excited for them...
I've come down with a cold and I'm not happy at all about that. It's going around the program...everyone is getting sick.
They've already started stringing some lights for Christmas!! They're not on yet, but they're getting everything ready, because if they don't start now, they will never be ready on time. It's heard to believe that it's already October, and that soon I will be leaving Spain...I only have two more months here. I'm kind of sad, and I'm kind of wondering why I'm not staying for the whole year.
I still need to send postcards...on Sunday, I'm also going to the Rastro again to buy presents for all of you, so be nice to me! Haha...


  • At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    aw sarah, i'm soo sorry about the barbeque. i'm even sorrier about the cold. i am glad you enjoyed barcolona, i know a girl who's studying there who adores it. yes, i want a postcard-- 315 city, 950 24th, yayaya. got it?


    have fun, and tell your senores congrats for me



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